Sunday, 1 February 2015

Mutual Trade

(Yes, another Carly cap. Sue me)


  1. LOL & sexy! Good mutual! I like it that the old Carli finds her former body attractive & I wonder if they do anything 'nauhgty'?

    1. Oh I would say that's a distinct possibility Eric ;) Thanks for your comment.

  2. And, for the piece de resistance;
    "... Although Carly had agreed to their swap, sadly, she discovered that not everything about their arrangement was mutual. While she found herself reacting to Steven's body and its lustful attraction to her form, Steven was becoming starkly aware of the reason for his long-time relegation to 'the friend zone', since being in Carly's body made it patently obvious that his male flesh did nothing for her, sexually speaking. Not that he wasn't an attractive & desirable man; She just didn't think of him in sexual terms... and now, in Carly's body, neither did Steven. ..."

    A distinct possibility... but hot with each-other?!? Maybe Carly will manage to get somewhere with Liz while you're somewhere else!

    1. Oh you tease Elle, you naughty, dirty little tormentor ;) Although... even the thought of Carly (in Steven's body) getting it on with Liz... hmmm ;)

    2. BuwwahAHAHAH! I thought that might get you, Luv! Hell, you'd probably even drop the suggestion on "Steven" before you sauntered back into the club! Call ME a tormentor, eh?! You're so much fun, Liz!!!

    3. Well at least I can provide amusement for someone ;) xx lol.

    4. And are you suggesting I'd be a complete slut in Carly's body?? Little innocent ol' me? ;)

    5. Not at all, Dear! But you'd certainly be all you could be as such a lovely lady!!!

    6. Aww, you're so sweet Elle xx :) Thank you. So would you ((hugs))

  3. So, I love this. Can you email me at I'd love to trade stories


Keep My Body